Wednesday, April 22, 2009

for cut guys

I am circumcised and take good care of my dick including what's left of my foreskin.

Over at the Circumcision Information and Resources Pages is a mine of information on foreskin including everything you need to know about foreskin hygiene.

cut vs uncut

is a pretty academic question as you all have, or haven't been cut. But the buzz is that when not checking out who has the biggest or smallest in the change room or toilet the cut guys are always interested in getting a gawk at an 'au natural' cock. True?

I'm thinking circumcision, outside of the stricter religious/cultural communities is less often done now. Here are some recent and interesting Australian statistics.
Anyone out there who has a son who they have circ'd or not for whatever reason want to add their thoughts?

sizing him up

Don't loose that towel!
Penis size is a topic that may not get discussed much but most guys think about it; sometimes a lot. One of my favorite 'net groups has been discussing it a lot lately. A lot of guys with small - or shall we say not big - dicks have been talking about the embarrassment of getting nude in locker rooms and other 'dick on display' situations.

We can't all be like this guy ....

Impressive huh, but let's not start getting a complex!

Do you cover up every time there are other guys looking ?
Some guys do and are still have bad memories of getting ridiculed for sporting a weenie as an adolescent. Adolescence is the time for change. It's when a dick starts to grow up along with the rest of you. Some guys get a head start and sprout dick, dick hair their balls grow earlier or faster than the others. I must have escaped the ragging and only remember feeling inadequate when I saw adult dick (but I knew that was cool and liked to think that what I saw was going to be what would happen to me and I fantasize about how big my dick would be, would be a bender or a straight one, would I have crinkly pubes or long wavy ones; stuff like that).
But when dick size goes all pear-shaped (if you know what I mean) it can be hassle for some guys as I'm finding out. Some of the stories I've heard the last few days have been from guys churned about copping it for having a weenie either from other guys - even just a sneer instead of a comment - and worse still, from themselves as they carry the shame in their heads.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

jerking off as an art form

This life size Japanese Manga-style sculpture by Takashi Murakami of a guy jerking off and spurting his cum into a lasso (hence the sculpture title My Lonesome Cowboy) sold at Sotheby's for $15 million.

A better shot

educational component no 1

Anyway, let's get down to business and make this professional and even educational
This is the Penis

A diagram of the the penis from a medical perspective. For the non-medically minded the the 'blue vein' is main feature here. (Note: No actual penises were harmed in the production of this diagram)

from the outside it looks more familiar

Get it? Got it? Good!

doing the math

I started this blog after the Easter break when I reckon I had jerked off maybe 30 times in four days. I don't think I even jerked off that many times in so short a time when I was a kid and first discovered masturbation.

I used the same cum rag most of those four days and it was wet and covered in cum.

30 loads in four days, that's a lot of a cum!